Apr 20, 2017
Clean Check Vitality
This has been an issue for a long, long time. Day & Night Plumbing CO, LLC has experienced these backups with homeowners. Unfortunately, at the homeowners expense. Installing a clean check will help prevent a main sewer from backing up into your house.
Please stay on schedule with your sewer cleaning maintenance. It is a small price to pay for the peace of mind!
This has been an issue for a long, long time. Day & Night Plumbing has experienced these backups with homeowners. Installing a clean check valve will prevent a main sewer from backing up into your house. Please keep up with your sewer maintenance cleanings.
Apr 6, 2017
Will A Clean Check Work For You?
Understanding what a clean check valve is and how it works; If you are close to the public sewer height and have back ups when the town’s sewer backs up or when it rains, a clean check will work for you, if you want to finish your basement.
Think about the depth of your basement floor from the ground and then how deep the manhole is from the surface. If the sewer rises in the manhole 3ft then it could rise a foot in your basement. Call Day & Night Plumbing to give you an estimate.
Mar 29, 2017
Over time cast Iron pipes become weak. Take a look at this video to see what we mean!
Mar 22, 2017
The Day & Night Difference – Professional Plumbing for all of Buffalo & WNY
We answer this question many times a month: “What is the difference between a good Plumber and a handyman?”
A licensed Plumber, especially Day & Night Plumbers, are responsible after the job is done. What I mean is attention to detail and doing only plumbing gives us advantage on doing things correctly the first time. Here are pictures showing a fitting in a wall that leaked and damaged a house.
Ask yourself at what cost? Parts are similar price, cost is knowing it is done right and the plumber is insured.
Never use caulk on a fitting joint in a wall. Ever, it will fail over time. Making sure fittings are home, tight and into fitting all the way.
Feb 25, 2017
Plugged vs Proper Drainage
How to properly clean your drainage system. Weather patterns cause build up in your lines. If your property is wet on dry days or if your drain tile does not flow when it is wet weather. Please view the following links to see the difference! Simple as the exit being plugged to completely full of sediments. We could snake the roots out or if full of mud we jet the line with our hydro jetter. Having your drainage system working properly is a huge advantage to keeping your property and foundation in good shape.
Plugged System Video
Properly Working Video